Turning Great Ideas into Great Companies with Bill Bierds and David Dunne (2019)

Pages: 120, Printing: Amazon Kindle Direct, Editing: Marjorie Toensing

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Turning Great Ideas into Great Companies is an easy-to-read guide for business owners of any size in any industry. It is intended to help raise awareness and understanding of four components critical to success—product, sales, customer, and marketing—and to help with a simple self-assessment of a company’s health in these areas. If you are an entrepreneur just getting started, this book can help you develop your business around your great idea. If you are the owner of an established business who may be feeling the exhilaration and anxiety of accelerating growth, this book can help you break through to the next plateau. If your established business has stalled or is listing in heavy seas, this book can help you right the ship.

Your company may have the most innovative products in the market, but this will remain a best kept secret without effective marketing. You can’t expect your business to thrive without it. In other words, if you build it, they still may not come. You must get out there and tell people who you are, why your product is different from the competition, and how to find you. Marketing includes everything you do to reach and persuade prospects. Your marketing should generate awareness, interest, and enthusiasm for your product. There is unlimited room for creativity and endless ways to accomplish this. Ultimately, your marketing results feed your sales process, where you close sales and get signed contracts. You don’t need a marketing Ph.D. to be a good marketer. The process of building a plan that is tailored to your customers, sticking to it, and applying the time and resources it needs are the common secrets to success. The marketing process begins with brand and story; it is critical to establish each before you begin to market and sell.

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