The Only Woman in the Room with Audrey Aronson Johnson (2024)

Pages: 328; Printing: Davies Printing Rochester, Minnesota; Editing: Marjorie Toensing

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With Gratitude and Pride

It is with great gratitude and pride that I write the story of my life as a pioneer businesswoman, daughter, wife, mother, and grandmother. I grew up the only child of loving parents, who instilled much confidence in me. As a young woman, I had a goal of working as a business executive. Happily, I was able to attain this goal in my corporate career in human resources (from 1961 to 2000), as a partner with my husband, Brad Sr., in our family real estate investment and management business (starting in 1966), and as owner and manager of my own consulting business (from 1982 to 1999). I was often the only woman in the room, whether I was involved in meetings with bankers to get financing for family business projects or doing my corporate human resources work. In the early 1970s, I was delighted when Anne and Brad Jr. were born. I continually wore multiple hats: a family hat, a family business hat, and a corporate human resources hat. I must admit that the challenges were at times overwhelming as I tried to balance the many responsibilities that came with each.

Gratitude is the thread that runs through much of my personal life and business career. Thanks be to God for Divine Providence. Also, there were many people who helped me along the way, to whom I will be forever grateful. If these stories entertain or bring smiles of remembrance to some, including those who have shared experiences of being the only woman in the room, then it has been worth the effort.

Audrey Aronson Johnson